Happy New Year and Thank You!


As we look back at 2015, our hearts are full of gratitude.  We are grateful for the chance to play the music we love and have such a good time doing it!  Along the way, we get to see our fans turn into friends, friends turn into fans, and we all become  a big trashy family– we love you all!  That is what it’s all about for us, making music for people we love.

Most of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Louie Sirian, the former owner of Lee’s Liquor Lounge, who gave us a place to call home.  What started with a handshake deal in 1993 lasted 22 years because of the trust, love and respect we have for you.  WE LOVE YOU, LOUIE!

New Locations for Xmas Shows!

New Locations Announced!


Well, this is different!  We sincerely apologize for the confusion and change of plans!  The Trashy Little Xmas Shows will be playing new venues.  We had a week to find them, book them and tell you about them, so here they are:

Saturday 12/5.  The Aster Cafe.

Saturday 12/12.  Canceled.

Friday 12/18.  The Parkway Theater.

Saturday 12/19.  The Metropolitan.

And for our Northfield friends and south metro folks, we are at the Grand Theater this Friday, 12/11!
Friday 12/11 – Grand Theater, Northfield, MN.

Welcome to our web site!

Welcome to our web site!

This is where you will find all the info about us. We are six musicians who have been making our brand of honky-tonk music for 23 years in downtown Minneapolis. You may also find us playing street dances, company parties, and wedding receptions. We are the perfect band for a guaranteed good time. Check us out at an upcoming show! We hope to see you soon! To hear samples of our songs, go to the SHOP page and click on some of our CDs!